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7 Ways to Use Video in B2B Email Marketing Campaigns

Written by Stacy Bouchard | Nov 1, 2016 6:00:00 PM

Earlier this year I wrote a post about why B2B marketers should be using video as part of their overall strategy. In that post, I talked about the versatility of video and how it can be used in a variety of ways. One of those ways is email.

Email remains one of the most effective channels available to B2B marketers. Did you know that the number of email users worldwide is currently 2.6 billion and is expected to grow to over 2.9 billion by 2019? That is nearly three times as many user accounts as Facebook and Twitter combined.

To support adding video to your email marketing strategy, consider this: according to the email marketing company Emma, adding video to your email campaigns can increase click rates by 300%. That sounds significant enough to give it a try, right?

Let’s face it. Your target audience receives a lot of email every day. It’s up to you to send them something that gets their attention and has them looking forward to receiving more.

Incorporating video into your email marketing campaigns may be a differentiator that gets your messages noticed. And it’s not that hard to do.

First things first…yes…there are issues with embedding email right into the message. Many email platforms/clients will not recognize or allow the recipient to watch the video. No worries – there is an easy work around that will actually benefit you.

Simply include an image from your video with a play button over the top. Link the image to a landing page where the actual video lives. The recipient can then watch the video and you’ve also provided them an easy opportunity to visit your website.

One more note on how…creating video to use in your campaigns can be easy and inexpensive. Everyone has a cell phone that can record video. Use it. Don’t let cost or lack of professional equipment keep you from using video.

That takes care of how to do it but what about what to include? What kind of video should be used in email marketing campaigns?

Well, the possibilities are really endless but here are seven ways to use video in your email marketing.

1. Welcome video

At Imagine, we have created a welcome video. When a visitor downloads a piece of content from our site, they are enrolled in one of our nurture programs. The first email they receive includes a welcome video.

In the video, Doug thanks the viewer for their interest, shares some information about the sales and marketing problem facing B2B companies today and encourages them to take advantage of the other resources offered on our website. It is less than 3 minutes and provides the viewer with a brief look into Imagine.

I bet you could produce something similar in no time at all!

2. Customer testimonials

Customer testimonials are not a new concept. We’ve all read quotes from happy customers on many websites. While that is effective, wouldn’t hearing and seeing the happy customer share their story be even more effective?

Producing video testimonials does require more legwork and probably more cost but they also have the potential to deliver much better results than a printed quote.

They can be included in lead nurtures designed for prospects at the middle to bottom of the funnel. They can also be used by the sales team as they get further in their conversations with prospects.

3. Video case studies

Case studies go hand-in-hand with testimonials – they just tell a much bigger part of the story. Again, we’ve all read many case studies and if you’re a marketer, you’ve probably written your fair share too. They can be very impactful as text with photos but seeing it in “real” life can have an even greater impact.

When I worked for a small machine manufacturing company, videos were a huge part of our marketing strategy. Showing how a machine actually works as opposed to describing it goes a long way with potential customers.

The videos become even more impactful when you include the customer telling their story and then show the machine operating in their plant.

Use these videos in your email campaigns just as you would use a customer testimonial video.

4. Product/service demo video

Why not show people how your product or service works? Record a brief demo or, in the case of a service, an explanation of how your product or service works in real life.

Having a video available in addition to offering live demos gives control to the viewer. They can watch it whenever they want to watch it. Including it an email to them gives them an even easier way to watch it – they don’t even have to visit your site. You’ve given them a demo right in their inbox.

5. Introduce your team and humanize your organization

Before buying a product or hiring someone to do something, don’t you think it is nice to get to know them a little bit?

In your top of funnel email campaigns, include short videos that let prospects see into your company. Interview team members, record all staff events or just give them a tour.

Video can go a long way in developing a relationship by helping your prospects feel comfortable with the people involved in your product or service.

6. Educational series

We talk a lot about developing a teaching point-of-view. In that spirit, consider creating a campaign that teaches your prospects something relevant to them. Record short videos and include them in emails on a predetermined schedule.

This will build your credibility with them and help you to position your organization as a thought leader.

7. Preview webinars or other events

When Imagine hosts a webinar, our email invitations include a video preview of what will be covered in the webinar. They are short – usually around 2-3 minutes – and provide more detailed information about what attendees can expect.

If the text of your invite isn’t enough to grab their attention and cause them to register, the video preview may be the differentiator in whether or not they sign up.

Incorporating video into your email campaigns doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. Try one or some of these ideas and watch what happens.