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Episode 17: The Biggest Lies Marketers Tell Today

by Doug Davidoff | May 10, 2018 4:00:00 PM

Matt Heinz joins us for this episode of The Black Line Podcast. Matt, Mike and Doug talk about what Marketers should be focusing on to drive results.





Show Notes

Black Line Podcast_MattDoug begins this episode with a bang. He asks Matt, "What are the biggest lies that Marketers tell today?" Matt answers quickly with - "It's not about likes, clicks (and other vanity metrics)." And says to remember that not all leads are equal. Just because you're generating a ton, doesn't mean they're good leads!

Matt, Doug and Mike talk about how marketing influences sales and revenue and the need to tell the true story on marketing's impact on revenue performance.

Matt ends this episode to say that if you’re a Marketer, you need to know what you're contributing to the sales pipeline. Matt's advice to the marketer today is to be relevant and drive meaningful results. Think about the numbers...know the metrics and understand the people you're selling to. 

Be sure to check out Matt's website for some awesome resources: https://www.heinzmarketing.com/ 

You can also connect with him on LinkedIn here or tweet him here.