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The Demand Creator Blog

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Demand Generation

If You’re Not Writing User Stories for Growth, You’re Missing Out

At Lift, we believe that user stories are invaluable growth tools that help us zero in on the purpose of every project or implementation. That’s why we lead every engagement by writing them—but we often discover that most clients aren’t familiar with user stories’ benefits. If they are, they usually think of them in terms of software development, where user stories originated. However, we’d argue that user stories are invaluable across all RevOps functions for a number of reasons: Reducing the...

Why Traditional Forecasting is BS — And What To Do Instead

If someone tells me their biggest problem is forecasting, I congratulate them. After all, if...

How to Increase Revenue (Without Hiring More Salespeople)

In 2018, I wrote 7 Reasons Hiring Salespeople is the Wrong First Step for Faster Growth to caution...

Why Being Valued is More Important than Being Liked

Editor's Note: This is an updated version of one of our most widely-read articles, Being Liked vs....

The Single Most Important Driver of Profitable Sales

In my fourth post on this blog (back in September of 2005), I made the point that the ability to...

5 Things Marketers Can Do To Generate First Action

Without awareness, there is no demand. Without demand, there is no potential for a sale, and...

The Key Components You Need to Optimize a Landing Page

Landing pages are a crucial component of your demand generation and inbound marketing strategy. You...

Using Quizzes to Generate Leads and Increase Engagement

Everyone creates content. If I had to guess, I’d say you’ve most likely created at least one piece...

The 3 Jobs Content Must Perform + Your Guide to Giving Your Content A Performance Review

I had the entire client services team together this week for two days. (Check out the awesome...

5 Elements of a Strong Conversion Page

We don’t have to tell you your ability to convert web traffic into qualified leads is a crucially...