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Episode 5: Interview with Trish Bertuzzi (The Bridge Group)

by Doug Davidoff | Jan 27, 2016 11:00:00 AM

In this episode, we interview the queen of sales development and focus on her just released book, The Sales Development Playbook and discuss how SMEs can and should utilize sales development to drive faster growth.

trish-bertuzzi.jpgShow Notes

In this conversation, Trish shared several insights from her years (I promised Trish I wouldn't say how many) of leading sales and sales development efforts for a range of companies. Trish's no-theory, on-the-front-lines advice is valuable for anyone looking to leverage the growing discipline of sales development to accelerate growth and enhance sustainability.

Some of the highlights of our conversation:

  • Why sales development is virtually table stakes in technology and Saas, but is still emerging in non-tech industries.
  • The importance of understanding variables...#VariablesMatter.
  • The Five Why's and how your sales process should align behind them (this is one of the simplest and most powerful sales models I've seen).
  • The crucial role of defining buyer personas to support a sales process...every salesperson and sales executive needs to hear this (buyer personas are not just for marketing).
  • Why content is becoming the new spam and how to avoid that.
  • Keys to a successful sales development process.

Trish also shared insights from her just released (and soon to be bestselling - it's #2 as I write this) book The Sales Development Playbook. You can learn more about her book here, and connect with Trish or The Bridge Group here.

Tech Tip

In this episode, we highlight LucidChart. Implementing demand generation strategies requires attention to process and structure. Designing and communicating workflows, processes and structures can be very difficult. LucidChart is a cloud-based tool that makes creating and sharing simple and (relatively) easy.

You can learn more about LucidChart here.

