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Sales (9)

The Five Critical Attributes to Sales Success

After 25 years, working with more than 1,500 companies, nearly 10,000 salespeople and witnessing almost 100,000 sales calls and interactions, I’m finally able to answer the most important question about successful salespeople (what can I tell you, I’m a little slow). That question is: What are the most important attributes that must be present to ensure the success of a salesperson?

The Fastest Test to Determine If You’re A Peddler

Ever since I wrote my post about Pests, Peddlers and Demand Creators, the most common question I’m...

Solving The Seller's Paradox

As I shared in my post last Monday: Stop Selling! If you’re selling you’re doing something wrong....

The Seller's Paradox

When I conduct sales training for executives and sales teams, I typically finish with the valuable...

How To Stop Overcoming Objections & Double Your Results

Walk into any bookstore, or read any sales oriented magazine and you'll see the primary focus on...

What Is A Strong Pipeline?

One of the toughest behaviors to change when salespeople are working to transform from being...

How to Get Access To Any Decision Maker

One of the consequences of the economic downturn, and the reductions in workforce over the last...

3 Mistakes That Are Costing You Sales

This post originally appeared on The Washington Business Journal's BizBeat Blog. Answer these five...

You Don't Need The Answers

One of the toughest lessons and most valuable lessons I learned early in my sales career was that...

Creating A Powerful Sales Message

What would the ability to get through more of the right doors, faster mean for you? In today's...