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Episode 3: Interview with David Weinhaus (HubSpot)

by Doug Davidoff | Jan 27, 2016 10:00:00 AM

Episode 3 explores the growing confluence of marketing technology and sales technology and what SMEs should be doing to ensure they take advantage of both without being overwhelmed.

david-weinhausShow Notes

Highlights from our conversation with David Weinhaus:

  • The importance of marketing and how it is taking an increasing role in revenue (demand) generation.
  • The biggest challenges salespeople face and what leading companies are doing to address them.
  • The challenge and opportunity that technology represents for SMEs, and how to navigate it.

David is on the leading edge of companies that implement demand generation strategies (even if David takes issue with the term) and his position gives him a front-row seat on how hundreds to thousands of SMEs are driving growth. He shares his insights in this episode. For more information on HubSpot, visit their website at www.hubspot.com.

Tech Tip

In honor of David joining the Demand Generation Show, we highlight HubSpot's kickass sales enablement tool, Sidekick. In addition to what I share on the podcast, you can read my reviews on the tool :

Start using Sidekick and see what happens. You can learn more here.

