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The Objective Guide to Decoding HubSpot’s New Pricing

In 2015, HubSpot launched a new CRM to complement its existing marketing automation and sales applications. Moreover, they announced with great fanfare that the CRM would be free. It was a bold, disruptive move. One that I have cheered for almost nine years. Since that announcement, they often reinforced that the CRM would be free forever. As the great Inspector Jacques Clouseau would say, "Not anymore."

Mastering CRM: Moving From Adoption to Utilization

If you want your CRM to drive performance and revenue improvement, your focus shouldn’t be on...

9 Ways to Ensure Your Training Boosts CRM Utilization

If your CRM isn’t being utilized, you’re falling short in terms of ROI. There’s nothing worse than...

Lift’s Top INBOUND 2023 Takeaways: AI and HubSpot’s Evolution

INBOUND 2023, HubSpot’s annual inbound marketing conference, was just as electrifying and exciting...

Why Hubspot Admins Often End Up Managing Chaos (and What You Can Do About It)

We hold a monthly, internal AMA at Lift as a way to ensure everyone is “in the know,” and to help...

Hiring a HubSpot Admin? Read This First.

If you’ve read my blogs or listened to my podcast, you know what I consider to be the four most...

4 Sales Hub Secret Weapons That Help Reps Close More Sales

Are you a sales rep who wants to be more organized and get more sales velocity? If so, HubSpot’s...

Marketing in the Real World: Surprises & Solves from Fresh Marketers

Happy anniversary to us! We both have now spent about a year here at Lift Enablement in our first...

5 Points of Friction for Managing & Sharing Files in HubSpot

Editor's Note: This is a guest blog by guest blogger Siddharth Garg from CloudFiles. Document...

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About QAT vs. UAT

We have a joke around the Lift Enablement virtual office: The four “words of death” for a project...