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Performance (11)

The 6 Marketing Metrics Your CEO Cares About (Even if They Don't Know It)

Wow…there are a lot of things marketers can measure these days. For years, it was difficult to provide any kind of meaningful data to support marketing efforts. It’s part of the reason CEOs have always been skeptical of marketing and the costs related to it. Today, marketers no longer have that issue. There’s so much data that we can provide that it has shifted from not enough to maybe too much. Selecting the metrics to share with the CEO and senior leadership can be like picking which flavor...

What Would Happen if You Shut Your Marketing Off for 90 Days?

Measuring the effectiveness of your marketing efforts is a critical part of any marketing or demand...

The 5 Metrics to Assess the Strength of Your Sales Growth

In case you can’t tell, I love (good) data. The effective use of data is one of Imagine’s core...

6 Tactics to Transform a Good Salesperson Into A Great Performer

Many years ago, someone shared a great hiring philosophy. The philosophy? Hire only great people....

7 Metrics Inbound Marketers Must Track to Ensure Growth

Measuring the success or failure of marketing tactics has always been a challenge for marketers and...

The Key To High Margin Sales

I don't know about you, but Varuca Salt was my favorite character in Willy Wonka and The Chocolate...

Can You Hire Salespeople?

Have you ever noticed that conversation topics tend to occur in bunches? This week the conversation...

The Myth of Time

Let’s have Bill put 20% of his time towards sales. We’ve got a new initiative; let’s get one of our...

What Game Do You Want To Win?

Where Did The Risk-Taking Go?

For the first time in my life, I’m actually concerned about the future competitiveness of America....