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Sales (3)

5 Tips for Sales Reps to Find Their Voice to Generate More Meaningful Conversations

I saw a tweet the other day from an executive (I’m not pointing fingers, but it may have been from our very own CEO, Doug Davidoff) about playing “cold call roulette,” randomly choosing one sales call to take. Another executive indicated in a reply that he did the same, but noted that the calls were almost always bad. It’s tough out there for an SDR. It’s not easy to get the right person on the phone, and sometimes when you do, it’s just because you happened to be the lucky one whose call your...

7 Sales Coaching Tips From An SDR's Point-of-View

I have a love/hate relationship with sales coaching. I love learning, I love improving, but you can...

What Is System Design & Why It's Crucial For Smart Growth

I find myself thinking about something that Brian Halligan, CEO at HubSpot, said in his inbound...

5 Ways to Make Your Editorial Content Successful

My first job was at a magazine, where I was an assistant editor. Only recently, when I read an...

How to Successfully Advance Your Sales Connect Calls

Making sales outreach calls can be tough, for a bevy of reasons- getting past gatekeepers,...

5 Tips to Re-engage a Stalled Sale

It’s probably the most frustrating thing that happens to salespeople, and for many salespeople, it...

The Most Important Lesson I Learned In Sales

As a salesperson, your job is not to make sales. Let me repeat that (with some emphasis). If you’re...

5 Tips for Successful New Business Prospecting In A Virtual Selling World

Prospecting, whatever you call it, has never been painless. This year, I think most salespeople...

Winning More New Sales By Having Better Conversations

Each morning, I go into my home office, boot up my computer, put on my headset, and begin dialing....

ZoomInfo Review: Our Choice for Sales Intelligence

A core value at Lift is “In God we trust, everybody else better bring data”, so rest assured we...