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Sales (4)

Outreach Isn't Just A Sales Operation - How Marketers Help The Process

One important role of marketing to create content to promote and position a business and the products/services they offer. Their focus here is to raise brand awareness and attract prospects to buy from the company. There’s a point in the promotion process when attracted prospects get handed off to sales, never to be seen again by marketing. Once picked up by the sales team, reps start to have conversations with those people to get them through the sales process until they purchase said...

HubSpot Announces Powerful Enhancements to Their Growth Stack at Inbound 2020

HubSpot Has Become A True Platform A few weeks ago Mike Donnelly and I were talking about how to...

Aligning Vectors & Structuring Your Team For Revenue Growth

A few years ago Dharmesh Shah highlighted an insight he'd gotten from Elon Musk: “Every person in...

The Single Most Important Driver of Profitable Sales

In my fourth post on this blog (back in September of 2005), I made the point that the ability to...

Yes, And: What Improv Taught Me About Prospecting

I’ve never been a person who’s particularly good on my feet. I feel much more comfortable in...

The Most Common & Costly Mistake Made With Sales Compensation

COMPENSATION. DOES. NOT. MOTIVATE. (With one exception.) I know right now there are three groups...

The 3 Motions To Master New Business Development

There’s no question that the world of sales has changed. Buyers have more control, access to more...

3 Reasons Mid-Market Companies Are Leaving Salesforce For HubSpot

It was just over five years ago that HubSpot introduced their CRM, designed to work seamlessly with...

How Being Wrong Frees You For Top Performance

“You are going to be wrong more often than you are going to be right.” As intimidating as that may...

5 Actions for Sales and Marketing to Succeed Through Scary Times

Things change quickly. Just six weeks ago, the economic conversations focused on the record-high...