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The Demand Creator Blog

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6 Tips To Getting The Most Out Of HubSpot Sales Hub

If you're a sales rep, stats show that you spend less than a third of your time selling. That's probably especially frustrating to hear because you know you're not goofing off. You're just spending too much time on administrative tasks—but you don't know how to lighten your load. As a former sales rep, I feel your pain. I've struggled with this myself. While I had methods to manage all those tasks, I always wished I could be more efficient. Now that I'm on the other side of the table...

The One Thing You Must Do To Ensure Content Success

At Imagine, one thing we always do is develop an editorial philosophy for our full-service clients....

Stop The Sales And Marketing Blame Game And Hit Your Numbers

Since the dawn of time, sales and marketing leaders have spent way too much effort trying to blame...

5 HubSpot INBOUND 2021 Learnings With Real Impact

Every year there is one event that I look forward to: HubSpot’s Inbound conference. Not only is it...

The 3 Biggest HubSpot Custom Object Mistakes

At HubSpot’s Inbound conference in 2020, they announced the addition of the Custom Objects feature...

3 Key Items To Creating A Successful Marketing Experiment

Experimenting and testing is important. We need to be better at it. You may think testing is a...

Why Salespeople Shouldn’t Sell Too Early

Salespeople go wrong by focusing on 'buying', which seems like a simple goal. However, in reality,...

Why Sales Enablement Is The Wrong Focus for B2B Sales

Repeat after me: "The customer has all of the control." "I embrace this fact." It’s official, the...

Why Personas Are Crucial To Make Your Content Hit The Target

There are many factors that go into great content. If I had to identify the single most important...

A Marketer's Guide to HubSpot's New CMS

Updated blog from October 1, 2020 with updates to the Pros, Cons, and Use of the Visual Editor. At...