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The Demand Creator Blog

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Why Agencies' Goals Shouldn't Be Making Clients Happy

I had a revelation of sorts this past week: I spend far too much time and emotional energy trying to make clients happy. I put a lot - and I mean a lot - of stock in what people think about me, and that’s not particularly helpful when you’re being counted on to avoid projects getting sidetracked into unending rabbit holes. “But Dan, you’re a consultant. Aren’t you supposed to be making clients happy? Doesn’t their thinking you’re smart and driven lead to more projects down the road?” Well, no....

22 Tips to Increase CRM Adoption

CRM is at the center of any serious growth effort. It's estimated that companies spend $4.6 billion...

8 Steps to Set Up a Successful Campaign

Recently I’ve been on a few client calls for training, which doesn’t happen all that often, and on...

Why Your Custom Integration Doesn't Work For You

We’re all aware of how companies’ go-to-market tech stacks have grown rapidly in terms of both size...

Why You Have a Premium Content Gap—and 12 Ways to Close It

A successful content strategy must employ a mix of content in order to reach prospective customers....

CRM Evolution - How RevOps Sprung From A Change in the Status Quo

RevOps is a fascinating development in the sales and marketing world. At a very high level, it’s a...

7 Steps to Overcome "Content Anxiety" and Publish Consistently

Content does many things. It builds your company’s authority and credibility. It raises brand...

9 Ways to Get the Most Out of HubSpot’s Marketing Hub

HubSpot is an extremely helpful tool for every aspect of your business. Here at Imagine, we work in...

7 Questions You Need to Answer Before Buying Technology

It’s funny how we buy all of this technology to make it easier for us to do our jobs and generate...

Organizing Your Data Junk Drawer

It’s a problem everyone with a CRM has run into: you’re looking at a contact (or company, or...