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Marketing (2)

8 Steps to Set Up a Successful Campaign

Recently I’ve been on a few client calls for training, which doesn’t happen all that often, and on almost every single one of them I’ve gotten the same question: “How do I set up a campaign from start to finish?” After hearing this question more than two times, I’ve decided it should be addressed because if a few people are curious, there have to be more.

Why Your Custom Integration Doesn't Work For You

We’re all aware of how companies’ go-to-market tech stacks have grown rapidly in terms of both size...

Why You Have a Premium Content Gap—and 12 Ways to Close It

A successful content strategy must employ a mix of content in order to reach prospective customers....

CRM Evolution - How RevOps Sprung From A Change in the Status Quo

RevOps is a fascinating development in the sales and marketing world. At a very high level, it’s a...

9 Ways to Get the Most Out of HubSpot’s Marketing Hub

HubSpot is an extremely helpful tool for every aspect of your business. Here at Imagine, we work in...

Stop The Sales And Marketing Blame Game And Hit Your Numbers

Since the dawn of time, sales and marketing leaders have spent way too much effort trying to blame...

5 HubSpot INBOUND 2021 Learnings With Real Impact

Every year there is one event that I look forward to: HubSpot’s Inbound conference. Not only is it...

3 Key Items To Creating A Successful Marketing Experiment

Experimenting and testing is important. We need to be better at it. You may think testing is a...

A Marketer's Guide to HubSpot's New CMS

Updated blog from October 1, 2020 with updates to the Pros, Cons, and Use of the Visual Editor. At...

The Core Benefits of Creating and Nurturing a B2B Online Community

Original blog published on December 16, 2019. One of the biggest challenges businesses face in...