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The Black Line Between Sales & Marketing

The Black Line Between Sales & Marketing - think of it as sports radio for salespeople, marketers, and demand generators.

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Sales (2)

Episode 77: The State of Sales 2021

It’s another day for another $2 million funding, this time from Outreach. Overall they’ve raised $488.5 million. When HubSpot when public they only raised $100 million; $35 million from debt, and that was thought of as a grand slam. Companies like Outreach and Gong raising 5 times that, is that a good thing? In this episode Mike and Doug touch on funding for private and public companies, and they dive into another report, the State of Sales 2021 for US & Canada, put out by LinkedIn.

Episode 76: Under Armor, Nike & The State of Proposals 2021

There has been an explosion of State of [insert title name] Reports, to the point that when you...

Episode 75: The Importance of Business Acumen & Valuable Metrics

It’s officially graduation season. How do we know? Because those graduating are coming to Mike and...

Episode 74: Interview with Gabriel Marguglio - Using Video to Enhance Brand Affinity

Video is an intense medium, and while every business should think about including video in their...

Episode 71: The Attention Economy, Email Metrics, & A/B Testing

Doug hit inbox zero the other night and apparently email is dead. Just like coffee doesn’t work...

Episode 69: The GameStop Effect & Managing Prospects Gone Dark

There’s only one thing on everyone’s mind this week...the Bernie Sanders meme. If we recorded this...

Episode 68: Kicking Off 2021 - How to Steer Your Course to a Strong Year

Happy New Year everyone and welcome to the first episode of the year! We're officially in a new...

Episode 67: Salesforce, Slack & Embracing Inbound

We're all feeling the last leg of 2020 as the year comes to an end. Kick back, relax and listen to...

Episode 66: Gartner's Report: The Future of Sales - What We Think

Experience, intuition and data have to come together. You don't get a good hypothesis from data....

Episode 64: Interview with Meghan Anderson - Enhancing the Sales-Marketing Relationship

Today is the day we've all been waiting for. Guest Meghan Anderson, VP of Marketing at HubSpot,...