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Here’s How Sales Managers Can Succeed Via an L&D Strategy

If you’re a sales manager, you were likely chosen for the job because you had great success as a salesperson. Management is confident you know how to sell and figures you’ll share your secrets with your reps. And you do your best, but end up frustrated when most don’t meet their quotas. Sound familiar? Here’s the hard truth: being a star salesperson differs from teaching others to be star salespeople. In fact, they’re totally different jobs.

What Is L&D and Why Should Sales Managers Care?

As a sales manager, you’re responsible for shepherding your reps to success. After all, if they...

7 Cognitive Biases that Influence Buyer Behavior and Decision-Making

Human beings make a lot of decisions—up to 35,000 each day. If you’re trying to influence a...

Lift’s Top INBOUND 2023 Takeaways: AI and HubSpot’s Evolution

INBOUND 2023, HubSpot’s annual inbound marketing conference, was just as electrifying and exciting...

The Common Theme Underlying the 2023 RevOps Trend Report

When Scratchpad released its 2023 RevOps Trend Report (click here to download the full report), our...

Hiring a HubSpot Admin? Read This First.

If you’ve read my blogs or listened to my podcast, you know what I consider to be the four most...

Why Traditional Forecasting is BS — And What To Do Instead

If someone tells me their biggest problem is forecasting, I congratulate them. After all, if...

How to Increase Revenue (Without Hiring More Salespeople)

In 2018, I wrote 7 Reasons Hiring Salespeople is the Wrong First Step for Faster Growth to caution...

3 Ways RevOps Helps Close Sales

As my employees and clients know, I love to ask a lot of questions. My favorite is probably “Is the...

4 Sales Hub Secret Weapons That Help Reps Close More Sales

Are you a sales rep who wants to be more organized and get more sales velocity? If so, HubSpot’s...